Frequently Asked Questions: #businessregistration

Navigating complex licensing and permit requirements for specific industries in Indonesia involves several key steps and considerations:

Industry-Specific Assessment

  • Conduct a thorough analysis of the specific industry requirements
  • Identify all necessary licenses and permits based on the business activity
  • Check for any special regulations or restrictions in the Negative Investment List (DNI)

Regulatory Compliance Planning

  • Develop a comprehensive compliance strategy tailored to the industry
  • Create a timeline for obtaining each required license and permit
  • Identify potential challenges and prepare mitigation strategies

Documentation Preparation

  • Assist in gathering and preparing all necessary documents for each application
  • Ensure all documentation meets the latest regulatory standards
  • Provide guidance on any industry-specific documentation requirements

Liaison with Government Agencies

  • Act as a liaison between the company and relevant government bodies
  • Facilitate communication and clarify any questions or concerns
  • Arrange and attend meetings with officials when necessary

Application Submission and Follow-up

  • Submit applications to the appropriate authorities
  • Monitor the progress of each application
  • Address any additional requests or clarifications promptly

Post-Approval Support

  • Assist with implementing any conditions attached to the licenses or permits
  • Provide guidance on maintaining compliance with license terms
  • Keep clients informed about renewal requirements and deadlines

Ongoing Regulatory Monitoring

  • Stay updated on changes in regulations affecting the specific industry
  • Advise clients on adapting to new requirements or opportunities
  • Provide regular compliance check-ups to ensure continued adherence to regulations

Industry-Specific Expertise

  • Leverage in-depth knowledge of various sectors such as tourism, manufacturing, or technology
  • Offer insights into best practices for regulatory compliance in each industry
  • Provide strategic advice on navigating industry-specific challenges

By offering these comprehensive services, we help clients efficiently navigate the complex licensing and permit landscape, ensuring their businesses operate legally and smoothly within Indonesia's regulatory framework.

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Yes, our Company Secretary can act as a liaison with various government agencies in Indonesia. This service is an essential part of our corporate secretarial support. The agencies we typically interact with include:

  • Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham)
  • Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM)
  • Tax Office (Kantor Pajak)
  • Manpower Office (Disnaker)
  • Immigration Office
  • Ministry of Trade
  • Local government offices for specific permits and licenses

Our Company Secretary can assist with:

  • Filing annual reports and other mandatory disclosures
  • Updating company information and changes in shareholding structure
  • Obtaining and renewing business licenses
  • Handling tax-related matters and submissions
  • Coordinating work permit and visa applications
  • Addressing regulatory inquiries and compliance issues

This liaison service helps ensure your company maintains good standing with relevant authorities and stays compliant with Indonesian regulations. It's particularly valuable for foreign-owned companies that may not be familiar with local bureaucratic processes.

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Establishing a PMA company in Indonesia typically takes about 1-1.5 months. Here are the key points regarding the timeline:

  • The entire process can be completed in 1 to 1.5 months under the streamlined procedures implemented by the Indonesian government.

  • The company can start trading as soon as the tax registration (NPWP) is issued.

  • Specific steps in the process have the following estimated durations:

    • Approval of company name: 2 days
    • Deed of Incorporation with notary: 4 days
    • Approval of legal entity by Ministry of Law and Human Rights: 3 days
    • Tax ID (NPWP) registration: 3 days
    • Obtaining Business Identification Number (NIB): 1 day
  • The process is done via the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, which has helped reduce the overall timeline.

  • Okusi Associates states they can establish a PMA company in less than 20 days in many cases.

  • Additional licenses or permits specific to certain business sectors may require extra time beyond the basic company establishment.

  • Working with an experienced service provider like Okusi Associates can help ensure the process moves as quickly and smoothly as possible.

While the official timeline is 1-1.5 months, in practice it may take 2-3 months in some cases to complete all steps and be fully operational. The exact duration can vary based on the specific circumstances of each company.


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The process for setting up a PMA company in Indonesia involves several key steps:

  • Investment Permit: This involves document research, review, and preparation for investment approval.

  • Company Incorporation:

    • Preparation of Articles of Incorporation
    • Drafting and notarization of the Deed of Establishment
  • Obtaining Operating Licenses and Other Permits:

    • Domicile Certificate
    • Tax Number (NPWP)
    • Company Registration
    • Submission of all required documents and follow-ups
  • Document Translations: English translations of all important company documents are provided.

  • Bank Account Setup: Assistance in opening corporate bank accounts in Indonesia.

  • Business Visa Sponsorship: Free Single Entry Business Visa sponsorships are provided while the company establishment is in progress.

  • Additional Support and Advice: Guidance on staff recruitment, community relations, and government relations to help navigate the Indonesian business landscape.

Before initiating the process, it's crucial to:

  • Check the Negative Investment List (DNI) to ensure your business sector is open to foreign investment and to determine if local shareholders are required.
  • Consider additional services if needed, such as:
    • Professional ("Nominee") Shareholder Services if your sector requires Indonesian shareholding
    • Company Domicile Services in Jakarta, Bali, or Batam

After establishment, ongoing support is typically provided for:

  • Regulatory compliance
  • License renewals
  • Accounting and tax services
  • Human resources and payroll management
  • Corporate secretarial services
  • Business expansion support
  • Immigration services (work permits and visas)

It's important to note that the specific requirements and timeline can vary depending on the business sector and location. Working with experienced professionals can help ensure a smooth and efficient process.

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The timeline for establishing a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company in Indonesia can vary depending on several factors, but generally, it takes about 2-3 months from start to finish. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Pre-application preparation: 1-2 weeks

    • Gathering required documents
    • Checking the Negative Investment List (DNI)
    • Preparing the investment plan
  • BKPM application and approval: 3-4 weeks

    • Submitting the investment application to the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM)
    • Waiting for approval
  • Company registration: 2-3 weeks

    • Registering with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
    • Obtaining a Domicile Certificate
    • Acquiring Tax Identification Number (NPWP) and Business Identification Number (NIB)
  • Obtaining licenses and permits: 2-4 weeks

    • Applying for and receiving necessary business licenses
    • This timeline can vary depending on the specific industry and local regulations
  • Bank account setup: 1-2 weeks

    • Opening a corporate bank account

Factors that can affect the timeline include:

  • Completeness and accuracy of submitted documents
  • Complexity of the business structure
  • Responsiveness of government agencies
  • Any additional requirements specific to your industry

It's important to note that working with experienced professionals, such as Okusi Associates, can help streamline the process and potentially reduce delays. They can guide you through each step, ensure compliance with current regulations, and handle much of the paperwork and communication with government agencies on your behalf.

#PMAcompany   #companyEstablishment   #businessRegistration   #investmentApproval   #BKPM  

Okusi Associates can provide comprehensive assistance in setting up a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company in Indonesia through the following services:

  • Investment Planning: Checking the Negative Investment List (DNI) to ensure your business sector is open to foreign investment and advising on any ownership restrictions.

  • Document Preparation: Assisting with the preparation of required documents such as Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Establishment, and Investment Plan.

  • Application Submission: Helping submit the investment application to the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM).

  • License and Permit Acquisition: Guiding you through obtaining necessary licenses and permits, including:

    • Investment Permit
    • Company Registration (TDP)
    • Tax Identification Number (NPWP)
    • Business Identification Number (NIB)
  • Bank Account Setup: Assisting with opening a corporate bank account in Indonesia.

  • Social Security Registration: Helping register your company and employees for BPJS (social security and health insurance).

  • Ongoing Compliance Support: Providing services for:

    • Accounting and Tax Reporting
    • Payroll Management
    • Corporate Secretarial Services
  • Work Permits and Visas: Assisting with obtaining KITAS, MERP, and IMTA for foreign employees.

  • Professional Shareholder Services: Offering nominee shareholder services if required.

  • Company Domicile Services: Providing virtual office services for company registration purposes.

  • Post-Establishment Support: Offering ongoing assistance with:

    • Legal and regulatory compliance
    • License renewals
    • HR consultancy
    • Business expansion strategies
    • Product registration
    • Intellectual property protection

By leveraging Okusi Associates' expertise, you can navigate the complex process of establishing and operating a PMA company in Indonesia more efficiently, ensuring compliance with local regulations and optimizing your business operations.

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Okusi Associates offers comprehensive assistance in setting up a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company in Indonesia, including:

  • Investment Permit: Researching, reviewing, and preparing all necessary documents to obtain investment approval from the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM).

  • Company Incorporation: Preparing Articles of Incorporation and Deed of Establishment in compliance with Indonesian corporate law.

  • Operating Licenses and Permits: Obtaining Domicile Certificate, Tax Number (NPWP), Company Registration, and handling all document submissions and follow-ups.

  • English Translations: Providing English translations of all important company documents.

  • Bank Account Assistance: Helping open corporate bank accounts in Indonesia.

  • Business Visa Sponsorships: Offering free Single Entry Business Visa sponsorships during the company establishment process if required.

  • Advisory Services: Providing guidance on staff recruitment, community relations, and government relations to help navigate the Indonesian business landscape.

  • Professional Shareholder Services: If required, providing a professional corporate shareholder to hold shares until a suitable Indonesian partner is found.

  • Company Domicile Services: Offering company domicile services in Jakarta, Bali, and Batam.

Okusi can establish your PMA company in less than 20 days, allowing you to start trading as soon as your company's tax registration is issued. Their expertise ensures compliance with Indonesian regulations and a smooth entry into the market.


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Yes, specific licenses and permits are often required for certain business activities in Indonesia. The requirements can vary depending on the nature of the business. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Basic Licenses: All companies, regardless of their business activity, need to obtain:

    • Domicile Certificate
    • Tax Identification Number (NPWP)
    • Company Registration (TDP)
  • Sector-Specific Licenses: Depending on the industry, additional licenses may be required:

    • Trading companies may need an import license
    • Manufacturing companies often require industrial business licenses
    • Construction companies need construction services business licenses
    • Hotels and restaurants require tourism business licenses
    • Financial services companies need approval from the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
  • Environmental Permits: Businesses that may have an environmental impact often need to obtain environmental permits or conduct environmental impact assessments (AMDAL).

  • Location-Based Permits: Some regions or special economic zones may have additional licensing requirements.

  • Professional Licenses: Certain professions (e.g., lawyers, doctors, architects) may need individual professional licenses in addition to company licenses.

  • Online Business Permits: E-commerce businesses may require specific permits related to online transactions and data protection.

  • Foreign Investment Considerations: PMA companies may face additional licensing requirements or restrictions based on the Negative Investment List (DNI).

It's important to note that licensing requirements can change, and it's advisable to consult with a professional service provider or relevant government agencies to ensure compliance with the most up-to-date regulations for your specific business activity.

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The costs associated with setting up and maintaining a PMA company in Indonesia include:

Initial Setup Costs:

  • IDR 30,525,000 for the complete PMA company setup package, which covers:
    • Investment Permit
    • Company Incorporation
    • Operating Licenses and Other Permits
    • English Translations of Important Documents
    • Bank Account Assistance
    • Free Single Entry Business Visa Sponsorships

Additional Costs:

  • Professional Shareholder Services (if required): IDR 14,430,000/year
  • Company Domicile Services:
    • Available in Jakarta, Bali, and Batam
    • Starting from IDR 12,000,000/year
  • Accounting and Tax Reporting:
    • VAT companies: IDR 35,500,000/year
    • Non-VAT companies: IDR 27,500,000/year
  • Work Permits and Visas:
    • Complete package (KITAS, MERP, IMTA): IDR 10,750,000/year

Ongoing Maintenance:

  • Costs for maintaining regulatory compliance
  • Expenses related to accounting and tax services
  • Human resources and payroll management fees
  • Corporate secretarial services charges

It's important to note that these costs may vary depending on the specific needs of your company and any changes in regulations. For the most up-to-date and detailed pricing information, it's recommended to consult the Okusi Associates price list and website directly.

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Yes, there are specific licenses and permits required for certain business activities in Indonesia. Some of the key ones include:

  1. Trade Business License (SIUP) - Required for companies engaged in trading activities. Valid for 5 years and renewable.

  2. Industrial Business License (IUI) - Required for industrial companies located in industrial areas. Valid for 5 years and renewable.

  3. Construction Services License (IUJK) - Required for companies in the construction business or participating in construction tenders. Renewable after an initial 3-year period.

  4. Mining Business License (IUP) - Required for companies involved in mining activities/tenders. Validity periods vary based on mineral type and mining stage.

  5. Import License - Consists of an Importer Identification Number (API) and Customs Identification Number. Required for importing goods.

  6. Product Registration - Required for products like food, cosmetics, medicine, and medical equipment. Handled by the Agency for Drugs and Food Control (BPOM) or Ministry of Health.

  7. Alcoholic Beverage Trading License (SIUP-MB) - Required for businesses serving alcoholic beverages.

  8. Environmental permits - Such as Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) may be required depending on the business activity.

  9. Building Permit (IMB) - Required for constructing business premises.

  10. Nuisance Permit - May be required for certain business activities.

  11. Sector-specific licenses - For example, licenses for electricity, oil and gas, minerals and coal sectors from relevant ministries.

The exact licenses required depend on the specific business activity and sector. Many licenses are now processed through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, but some still require direct application to relevant government bodies. It's advisable to consult with experts like Okusi Associates to determine the specific licensing requirements for your business activity in Indonesia.

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