Frequently Asked Questions: #investmentapproval

The process for setting up a PMA company in Indonesia involves several key steps:

  • Investment Permit: This involves document research, review, and preparation for investment approval.

  • Company Incorporation:

    • Preparation of Articles of Incorporation
    • Drafting and notarization of the Deed of Establishment
  • Obtaining Operating Licenses and Other Permits:

    • Domicile Certificate
    • Tax Number (NPWP)
    • Company Registration
    • Submission of all required documents and follow-ups
  • Document Translations: English translations of all important company documents are provided.

  • Bank Account Setup: Assistance in opening corporate bank accounts in Indonesia.

  • Business Visa Sponsorship: Free Single Entry Business Visa sponsorships are provided while the company establishment is in progress.

  • Additional Support and Advice: Guidance on staff recruitment, community relations, and government relations to help navigate the Indonesian business landscape.

Before initiating the process, it's crucial to:

  • Check the Negative Investment List (DNI) to ensure your business sector is open to foreign investment and to determine if local shareholders are required.
  • Consider additional services if needed, such as:
    • Professional ("Nominee") Shareholder Services if your sector requires Indonesian shareholding
    • Company Domicile Services in Jakarta, Bali, or Batam

After establishment, ongoing support is typically provided for:

  • Regulatory compliance
  • License renewals
  • Accounting and tax services
  • Human resources and payroll management
  • Corporate secretarial services
  • Business expansion support
  • Immigration services (work permits and visas)

It's important to note that the specific requirements and timeline can vary depending on the business sector and location. Working with experienced professionals can help ensure a smooth and efficient process.

#PMAcompany   #companyEstablishment   #businessRegistration   #investmentApproval   #operationalPermits   #foreignInvestmentIndonesia  

The timeline for establishing a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company in Indonesia can vary depending on several factors, but generally, it takes about 2-3 months from start to finish. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  • Pre-application preparation: 1-2 weeks

    • Gathering required documents
    • Checking the Negative Investment List (DNI)
    • Preparing the investment plan
  • BKPM application and approval: 3-4 weeks

    • Submitting the investment application to the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM)
    • Waiting for approval
  • Company registration: 2-3 weeks

    • Registering with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights
    • Obtaining a Domicile Certificate
    • Acquiring Tax Identification Number (NPWP) and Business Identification Number (NIB)
  • Obtaining licenses and permits: 2-4 weeks

    • Applying for and receiving necessary business licenses
    • This timeline can vary depending on the specific industry and local regulations
  • Bank account setup: 1-2 weeks

    • Opening a corporate bank account

Factors that can affect the timeline include:

  • Completeness and accuracy of submitted documents
  • Complexity of the business structure
  • Responsiveness of government agencies
  • Any additional requirements specific to your industry

It's important to note that working with experienced professionals, such as Okusi Associates, can help streamline the process and potentially reduce delays. They can guide you through each step, ensure compliance with current regulations, and handle much of the paperwork and communication with government agencies on your behalf.

#PMAcompany   #companyEstablishment   #businessRegistration   #investmentApproval   #BKPM  

Okusi Associates offers comprehensive assistance in setting up a PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company in Indonesia, including:

  • Investment Permit: Researching, reviewing, and preparing all necessary documents to obtain investment approval from the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM).

  • Company Incorporation: Preparing Articles of Incorporation and Deed of Establishment in compliance with Indonesian corporate law.

  • Operating Licenses and Permits: Obtaining Domicile Certificate, Tax Number (NPWP), Company Registration, and handling all document submissions and follow-ups.

  • English Translations: Providing English translations of all important company documents.

  • Bank Account Assistance: Helping open corporate bank accounts in Indonesia.

  • Business Visa Sponsorships: Offering free Single Entry Business Visa sponsorships during the company establishment process if required.

  • Advisory Services: Providing guidance on staff recruitment, community relations, and government relations to help navigate the Indonesian business landscape.

  • Professional Shareholder Services: If required, providing a professional corporate shareholder to hold shares until a suitable Indonesian partner is found.

  • Company Domicile Services: Offering company domicile services in Jakarta, Bali, and Batam.

Okusi can establish your PMA company in less than 20 days, allowing you to start trading as soon as your company's tax registration is issued. Their expertise ensures compliance with Indonesian regulations and a smooth entry into the market.


#PMAcompany   #companyEstablishment   #businessRegistration   #investmentApproval   #businessServices  

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