When considering acquiring an Indonesian company or engaging in a government project, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive due diligence exercise to minimize potential risks and unforeseen costs. At Okusi Associates, our experienced team of legal and financial experts provides in-depth due diligence services and legal opinions to help investors make informed decisions.

Our due diligence process is designed to examine all relevant aspects of the target company or project, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the risks and opportunities involved. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Verifying the validity of business licenses and permits

  • We review all relevant licenses and permits to ensure that the target company is operating legally and in compliance with Indonesian regulations.

  • Assessing land status and potential issues

  • Our team investigates the ownership, zoning, and any encumbrances on the land associated with the target company or project to identify potential risks.

  • Analyzing financial and tax liabilities and compliance

  • We conduct a thorough review of the target company's financial statements, tax returns, and other relevant documents to assess its financial health and tax compliance.

  • Evaluating employment matters and potential termination costs

  • Our experts review employment contracts, policies, and practices to identify any potential liabilities or costs associated with employee termination.

  • Assessing the value and physical condition of assets

  • We perform a detailed analysis of the target company's assets, including property, equipment, and inventory, to determine their value and condition.

  • Investigating social acceptance of operations in the neighborhood

  • Our team assesses the target company's reputation and relationship with the local community to identify any potential social or environmental risks.

  • Addressing any specific concerns or issues

  • We work closely with our clients to understand their unique concerns and tailor our due diligence process to address those specific issues.

In addition to our comprehensive due diligence services, Okusi Associates also provides legal opinions on various matters related to corporate actions in Indonesia. Our legal team has extensive experience in Indonesian corporate law and can provide expert guidance on:

  • Corporate structuring and reorganization
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Joint ventures and partnerships
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Intellectual property protection
  • Dispute resolution

By choosing Okusi Associates for your due diligence and legal opinion needs, you can be confident that you are receiving the highest quality services from a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to protecting your interests and helping you achieve your business goals in Indonesia.

Don't let unexpected risks and costs derail your investment plans. Contact Okusi Associates today to learn more about how our due diligence and legal opinion services can help you make informed decisions and minimize potential risks in your Indonesian ventures.

Due Diligence & Legal Opinion
Okusi People in Jakarta (Photo: Lina Munir)

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