Frequently Asked Questions: #taxobligations

PMA companies in Indonesia have several tax obligations to fulfill:

Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

  • Standard rate of 22% on taxable income
  • Reduced to 20% for public companies with at least 40% of shares traded on the stock exchange
  • Progressive rates apply for small and medium enterprises

Value Added Tax (VAT)

  • Standard rate of 11% on taxable goods and services
  • Certain goods and services may be exempt or subject to different rates

Withholding Taxes

  • On various payments such as dividends, interest, royalties, and service fees
  • Rates vary depending on the type of payment and recipient's tax residency status

Employee Income Tax

  • PMA companies must withhold and remit income tax for their employees
  • Progressive rates apply based on the employee's income level

Annual Tax Return

  • Must be filed within 4 months after the end of the fiscal year
  • Extensions may be granted upon request

Monthly Tax Obligations

  • Regular filing and payment of various taxes (e.g., VAT, withholding taxes)
  • Due dates vary depending on the specific tax

Transfer Pricing Documentation

  • Required for transactions with related parties
  • Must be prepared annually and submitted with the annual tax return

Compliance Requirements

  • Maintain proper accounting records in Indonesian language
  • Bookkeeping must be done in Indonesian Rupiah
  • Financial statements must be prepared in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK)

Tax Audits

  • PMA companies may be subject to tax audits by the Indonesian tax authorities
  • Proper documentation and compliance are crucial to avoid penalties

It's important to note that tax regulations in Indonesia can be complex and subject to change. PMA companies are strongly advised to seek professional tax advice to ensure full compliance with all tax obligations and to optimize their tax position within the legal framework.

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Foreign workers and investors in Indonesia have several tax obligations to consider:

Personal Income Tax

  • Foreign residents working in Indonesia for more than 183 days in a 12-month period are subject to Indonesian income tax.
  • Progressive tax rates apply, ranging from 5% to 30% based on income levels.
  • Income includes salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, and other compensation.

Tax Registration

  • Foreign workers must obtain a Tax Identification Number (NPWP) from the local tax office.
  • This is required for various purposes, including opening bank accounts and processing work permits.

Annual Tax Return

  • Foreign residents must file an annual tax return (SPT Tahunan) by March 31st of the following tax year.
  • The return should report all worldwide income, including income from outside Indonesia.

Monthly Tax Payments

  • For employed individuals, employers typically withhold and remit monthly income tax payments.
  • Self-employed individuals or those with additional income sources may need to make monthly tax installments.

Social Security Contributions

  • Foreign workers are required to participate in the BPJS social security program, which includes health insurance and employment benefits.
  • Both employers and employees contribute to these programs.

Double Taxation Agreements

  • Indonesia has tax treaties with many countries to prevent double taxation.
  • Foreign workers should check if their home country has such an agreement with Indonesia to understand potential tax relief options.

Exit Procedures

  • When leaving Indonesia permanently, foreign workers must obtain a tax clearance letter (SKD) from the tax office.
  • This ensures all tax obligations have been fulfilled before departure.

Investor Considerations

  • Foreign investors may be subject to withholding tax on dividends, interest, and royalties from their Indonesian investments.
  • Capital gains from the sale of Indonesian assets may also be taxable.

Compliance and Reporting

  • It's crucial to maintain accurate records of income and expenses.
  • Seek professional assistance to ensure compliance with Indonesian tax laws and regulations.


  • Late filing or payment of taxes can result in penalties and interest charges.
  • Non-compliance with tax obligations can affect visa and work permit renewals.

Foreign workers and investors should consult with tax professionals familiar with Indonesian tax laws to ensure full compliance and optimize their tax position. Okusi Associates offers comprehensive tax advisory services for expatriates and foreign investors in Indonesia.

#incomeTax   #NPWP   #SPTform   #taxObligations   #foreignEmployee   #withholdingTaxes  

PMA companies in Indonesia have several mandatory tax obligations to fulfill. These include:

  • Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

    • Annual tax rate of 22% on taxable income
    • Paid through monthly installments based on the previous year's tax return
    • Annual tax return must be filed within 4 months after the end of the fiscal year
  • Value Added Tax (VAT)

    • Standard rate of 11% on most goods and services
    • Monthly VAT returns must be filed and any VAT payable settled by the end of the following month
  • Withholding Taxes

    • Various withholding taxes on payments such as dividends, interest, royalties, and service fees
    • Rates vary depending on the type of payment and recipient's tax residency status
    • Monthly reporting and payment required
  • Employee Income Tax

    • Employers must withhold, report, and pay employee income tax (PPh 21)
    • Monthly reporting and payment, with an annual reconciliation
  • Land and Building Tax

    • Annual tax on land and buildings owned by the company
    • Rates vary by region
  • Stamp Duty

    • Nominal fee applied to certain documents and transactions
  • Local Taxes

    • Various local taxes may apply depending on the company's location and activities

Key points to remember:

  • Tax ID Number (NPWP) is required for all tax-related activities
  • Most tax returns are now submitted electronically through the DJP Online system
  • Strict deadlines apply for filing returns and making payments
  • Penalties can be substantial for late filing or payment
  • Proper bookkeeping and financial records are crucial for tax compliance

It's highly recommended to engage professional tax services to ensure full compliance with all tax obligations and to optimize the company's tax position within legal boundaries.

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