Frequently Asked Questions: #dependentvisa

Yes, family members of foreign workers can obtain visas to stay in Indonesia. Here are the key points:

  • Dependent KITAS: Family members of foreign workers holding a KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, or Limited Stay Permit) can apply for a Dependent KITAS.

  • Eligible family members:

    • Spouse (legally married)
    • Unmarried children under 18 years old
  • Duration: The Dependent KITAS is typically valid for the same period as the main KITAS holder's permit.

  • Application process:

    • The sponsoring company of the main KITAS holder usually assists with the application.
    • Required documents include marriage certificates, birth certificates, passports, and other supporting documents.
  • Restrictions:

    • Dependent KITAS holders are not permitted to work in Indonesia.
    • If dependents wish to work, they must obtain their own work permit and KITAS.
  • Education: Children on Dependent KITAS can attend schools in Indonesia.

  • Healthcare: Dependents can access healthcare services, but it's advisable to have international health insurance coverage.

  • Renewal: The Dependent KITAS must be renewed along with the main KITAS holder's permit.

  • Multiple Entry Permit: A Multiple Entry Permit (MERP) can be obtained to allow dependents to enter and exit Indonesia multiple times during the validity of their KITAS.

It's important to note that immigration regulations can change, so it's advisable to consult with an immigration specialist or the relevant Indonesian authorities for the most up-to-date information and specific requirements for your situation.

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