Frequently Asked Questions: #annualreporting

PMA companies in Indonesia are required to conduct financial audits annually. Here are the key points regarding financial audits for PMA companies:

  • Annual Requirement: All PMA companies must undergo a financial audit once a year.

  • Deadline: The audited financial statements must be prepared within 6 months after the end of the company's fiscal year.

  • Auditor Qualifications: The audit must be conducted by a licensed public accountant registered with the Indonesian Ministry of Finance.

  • Scope: The audit covers the company's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, and notes to the financial statements.

  • Purpose:

    • To ensure compliance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (PSAK)
    • To provide assurance to stakeholders about the company's financial position
    • To fulfill regulatory requirements for tax reporting and other statutory obligations
  • Exceptions: Small companies with total assets or annual revenue below certain thresholds may be exempt from the mandatory audit requirement. However, it's advisable to consult with a professional or refer to the latest regulations to confirm your company's status.

  • Additional Audits: Some industries or specific circumstances may require more frequent or specialized audits. Always check the regulations specific to your business sector.

  • Preparation: It's recommended to maintain proper bookkeeping and financial records throughout the year to facilitate a smooth audit process.

Remember that while the audit is an annual requirement, maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records should be an ongoing process throughout the year.

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PMA companies in Indonesia have several ongoing compliance requirements to maintain their legal status and good standing. These include:

Annual Reporting and Filings

  • Investment Activity Report (LKPM) to be submitted to BKPM every 6 months
  • Annual tax returns for corporate income tax, employee income tax, and VAT (if applicable)
  • Annual financial statements to be submitted to the tax office
  • Annual report to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights

Tax Compliance

  • Monthly tax payments and reporting for employee income tax and VAT (if applicable)
  • Quarterly installments of corporate income tax
  • Withholding tax obligations on various transactions

Employment Regulations

  • Compliance with Indonesian labor laws, including minimum wage requirements
  • Regular reporting to the Ministry of Manpower
  • Work permit (KITAS) renewals for foreign employees

Business Licenses

  • Renewal of business licenses as required (varies by industry)
  • Maintaining valid Company Domicile Certificate

Corporate Governance

  • Holding annual general meetings of shareholders
  • Maintaining proper company records and minutes of meetings
  • Updating company information with relevant authorities when changes occur

Foreign Investment Regulations

  • Adherence to foreign ownership restrictions as per the Negative Investment List (DNI)
  • Compliance with minimum capital requirements for PMA companies

Industry-Specific Regulations

  • Compliance with sector-specific regulations and reporting requirements

Bookkeeping and Accounting

  • Maintaining proper accounting records in accordance with Indonesian accounting standards
  • Preparing financial statements in Indonesian language and Rupiah currency

To ensure full compliance, many PMA companies engage professional services firms like Okusi Associates for ongoing support in areas such as:

  • Accountancy and taxation services
  • Corporate secretarial services
  • Regulatory compliance monitoring and reporting
  • Work permit and visa management for foreign employees

Staying compliant with these requirements is crucial for PMA companies to operate legally and avoid penalties or operational disruptions in Indonesia.

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