Frequently Asked Questions: #businesslicenses

Establishing a PMA company in Indonesia typically takes about 1-1.5 months. Here are the key points regarding the timeline:

  • The entire process can be completed in 1 to 1.5 months under the streamlined procedures implemented by the Indonesian government.

  • The company can start trading as soon as the tax registration (NPWP) is issued.

  • Specific steps in the process have the following estimated durations:

    • Approval of company name: 2 days
    • Deed of Incorporation with notary: 4 days
    • Approval of legal entity by Ministry of Law and Human Rights: 3 days
    • Tax ID (NPWP) registration: 3 days
    • Obtaining Business Identification Number (NIB): 1 day
  • The process is done via the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, which has helped reduce the overall timeline.

  • Okusi Associates states they can establish a PMA company in less than 20 days in many cases.

  • Additional licenses or permits specific to certain business sectors may require extra time beyond the basic company establishment.

  • Working with an experienced service provider like Okusi Associates can help ensure the process moves as quickly and smoothly as possible.

While the official timeline is 1-1.5 months, in practice it may take 2-3 months in some cases to complete all steps and be fully operational. The exact duration can vary based on the specific circumstances of each company.


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Yes, there are specific licenses and permits required for certain business activities in Indonesia. Some of the key ones include:

  1. Trade Business License (SIUP) - Required for companies engaged in trading activities. Valid for 5 years and renewable.

  2. Industrial Business License (IUI) - Required for industrial companies located in industrial areas. Valid for 5 years and renewable.

  3. Construction Services License (IUJK) - Required for companies in the construction business or participating in construction tenders. Renewable after an initial 3-year period.

  4. Mining Business License (IUP) - Required for companies involved in mining activities/tenders. Validity periods vary based on mineral type and mining stage.

  5. Import License - Consists of an Importer Identification Number (API) and Customs Identification Number. Required for importing goods.

  6. Product Registration - Required for products like food, cosmetics, medicine, and medical equipment. Handled by the Agency for Drugs and Food Control (BPOM) or Ministry of Health.

  7. Alcoholic Beverage Trading License (SIUP-MB) - Required for businesses serving alcoholic beverages.

  8. Environmental permits - Such as Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) may be required depending on the business activity.

  9. Building Permit (IMB) - Required for constructing business premises.

  10. Nuisance Permit - May be required for certain business activities.

  11. Sector-specific licenses - For example, licenses for electricity, oil and gas, minerals and coal sectors from relevant ministries.

The exact licenses required depend on the specific business activity and sector. Many licenses are now processed through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system, but some still require direct application to relevant government bodies. It's advisable to consult with experts like Okusi Associates to determine the specific licensing requirements for your business activity in Indonesia.

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