Set up your PMA (Foreign Direct Investment) company in Batam, a strategic location just 40 minutes by ferry from downtown Singapore. Batam offers a unique advantage for businesses, with tax breaks on VAT and certain import duties, making it an attractive destination for foreign investors.
Comprehensive PMA company establishment package includes:
- Foreign investment approvals
- Articles of incorporation
- Government registrations
- Local licensing
- Tax numbers
Our expert team ensures that your company is set up in full compliance with Indonesian regulations, allowing you to focus on growing your business. With recent changes in Indonesian foreign investment laws, 100% foreign ownership is now possible in many fields of business.
A PMA company is an Indonesian legal entity with any percentage of foreign ownership. The establishment of a PMA company is based on a defined business activity and requires approval from the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board (BKPM). While the list of business fields open to full or partial foreign ownership may change over time, most sectors of interest to foreign investors remain accessible.
Our Batam PMA Company Establishment Package Includes:
- Investment Permit: Our team conducts thorough research, review, and preparation of documents to secure your investment approval permit.
- Company Incorporation: We draft and file your Articles of Incorporation and Deed of Establishment, ensuring compliance with Indonesian corporate law.
- Operating Licenses & Other Permits: We obtain your company’s Domicile Certificate, Tax Number (NPWP), Business Identification Number (NIB), and handle all document submissions and follow-ups.
- English Translations: We provide English translations of all essential company documents for your convenience.
- Bank Account Assistance: We help you open corporate bank accounts in Indonesia.
- Free Single-Entry Business Visa Sponsorships: We offer complimentary single-entry business visa sponsorships for your team members during the company establishment process.
- Free Advice: We provide guidance on staff recruitment, community relations, and government relations to help you navigate the Indonesian business landscape.
Additional Services:
Professional Shareholder Services: If your business sector requires Indonesian shareholding, Okusi Associates can provide a professional corporate shareholder to hold these shares until you find a suitable Indonesian partner. Fixed cost: US$ 922/year. See Professional Shareholder Service for more information.
Company Domicile Services: Okusi Associates offers company domicile services in Batam through our permanent branch office in the Harbour Bay Complex. Fixed cost: US$ 767/year. See Company Domicile Services Batam for more information.
Don’t miss out on the opportunities that Indonesia’s dynamic economy presents. Partner with Okusi Associates to establish your PMA company in Batam and unlock the gateway to Indonesia’s growth. Contact us today to discuss your business plans.
See Also: * Batam Company Domicile/Registered Office * Indonesian PMA Company * Bali PMA Company * Professional Shareholder for PMA Company * Company Secretary - Corporate Secretary