Establish your Indonesian company in Bali, Indonesia’s tourism and lifestyle center…
Complete Indonesian PMA company including all foreign investment approvals, articles of incorporation, government registrations, local licensing, tax numbers. 100% foreign-owned companies are now possible in many fields of business.
An Indonesian PMA company is any company with any percentage of foreign ownership. PMA companies are established on the basis of a defined business activity, that require approvals from the Indonesian Investment Coordination Board. Fields of business activity that are open to full or partial foreign ownership change from time-to-time, however most business fields of interest to foreigners are open.
Fee includes:
- Investment Permit – Document research, review & preparation, investment approval permit.
- Company Incorporation – Preparation of Articles of Incorporation, Deed of Establishment.
- Operating Licenses & Other Permits – Domicile Certificate, NPWP – Tax Number/s, NIB - Business Identification Number, document submission & follow-up.
- English Translations of all important company documents.
- Bank Account assistance for opening new accounts.
- Free Single Entry Business Visa Sponsorships, if required, while company establishment is in progress.
- Free Advice on matters such as Staff Recruitment, and Community and Government Relations.
Professional Shareholder Services: In the event that you wish to engage in one of the specific business sectors where Indonesian shareholding is mandatory, Okusi can provide a professional shareholder – a company, not a person – to hold these shares for you until such time as you might find a true Indonesian partner. Fixed cost is US$ 922/year. See Professional Shareholder Service for full information.
Company Domicile Services: Okusi provides company domicile services in Bali from its permanent branch office located in Kuta, just US$ 1,686/year. See Company Domicile Service - Shared Office Bali for full information.
See Also: * Bali Company Domicile/Registered Office * Indonesian PMA Company * Batam PMA Company * Professional Shareholder for PMA Company * Company Secretary - Corporate Secretary