In the event that you wish to engage in one of the few business sectors that require Indonesian shareholding, Okusi can provide a Professional Shareholder – a dedicated company, not a person – to hold these shares for you until such time as you find a genuine Indonesian partner.
Service includes the provision of a notarized Declaration of Trust that ensures that the beneficiary maintains full control of the shares, including voting rights and dividend payments. The beneficiary may transfer the shares at any time.
this service is not for the purpose of anonymising ownership of an Indonesian company. Wherever required, Okusi will disclose beneficial ownership of shares to relevant government departments, in particular, the Indonesian Tax Office.
Clients engaging an Okusi professional shareholder must also use Okusi’s accounting and tax reporting services to ensure compliance with Indonesian law.
See Also: * Indonesian PMA Company * Batam PMA Company * Bali PMA Company * Amendments to Company Structure & Ownership * Company Secretary - Corporate Secretary