Wife-sponsored KITAS

US$ 732/year

Are you a foreign husband looking to join your Indonesian wife in her home country? Obtain a Wife-sponsored KITAS (Limited Stay Permit).

What is a Wife-sponsored KITAS?

A Wife-sponsored KITAS is a type of limited stay permit that allows foreign husbands to legally reside in Indonesia with their Indonesian wife. This permit is valid for up to 2 years and can be extended as long as the marriage remains valid.

Benefits of a Wife-sponsored KITAS

  • Live with your wife: A Wife-sponsored KITAS allows you to legally reside in Indonesia with your Indonesian wife, ensuring that you can build a life together in her home country.
  • Work opportunities: With a Wife-sponsored KITAS, you may be eligible to work in Indonesia, depending on your qualifications and the requirements of your potential employer.
  • Travel flexibility: You can travel in and out of Indonesia multiple times during the validity of your KITAS without needing to apply for a new visa each time.
  • Path to permanent residency: A Wife-sponsored KITAS can be a stepping stone towards obtaining a KITAP (Permanent Stay Permit) in the future.

Requirements for a Wife-sponsored KITAS

To be eligible for a Wife-sponsored KITAS, you must:

  • Be legally married to an Indonesian citizen
  • Have a valid passport with at least 18 months validity remaining
  • Provide a copy of your marriage certificate
  • Have proof of sufficient financial means to support your stay in Indonesia
  • Pass a background check and health screening

How Okusi Associates Can Help

Our experienced team of legal professionals is here to guide you through the Wife-sponsored KITAS application process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

We offer:

  • Comprehensive consultation to determine your eligibility
  • Assistance in gathering and preparing the necessary documents
  • Submission of your application to the relevant authorities
  • Ongoing support throughout your stay in Indonesia

Contact us today to start the process!

Wife-sponsored KITAS
Passports (Photo: Lina Munir)

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Wife Sponsored KITAS

US$ 920/year
Wife Sponsored KITAS
Okusi People

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