Okusi Associates provides comprehensive support to ensure the smooth operation and compliance of your PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) company after its establishment in Indonesia. Here are the key areas of support offered:

  • Regulatory Updates: Okusi keeps clients informed about relevant changes in Indonesian laws and regulations that could affect their business operations.
  • License Renewals: Assistance with renewing business licenses, permits, and other official documents to ensure continuous legal operation.

Accounting and Tax Services:

  • Accounting and Bookkeeping: Comprehensive services including general ledger maintenance, balance sheet preparation, and financial reporting.
  • Tax Compliance: Preparation and submission of tax returns, tax planning, and advice to ensure compliance with Indonesian tax laws.

Human Resources and Payroll:

  • Payroll Management: Handling of monthly payroll calculations, tax deductions, BPJS (social security) contributions, and other payroll-related services.
  • HR Consultancy: Advice on Indonesian labor laws, employment contracts, HR policies, and best practices in human resources management.

Corporate Secretarial Services:

  • Meeting Compliance: Assistance with organizing and documenting annual general meetings (AGM) and other corporate meetings as required by Indonesian corporate law.
  • Record Keeping: Maintenance of statutory company records and registers.

Business Expansion Support:

  • Market Entry Strategy: Advisory services for market research, competitor analysis, and entry strategy formulation for new market segments or regions within Indonesia.
  • Partnership and Networking: Facilitation of connections with potential business partners, suppliers, and government agencies.

Immigration Services:

  • Work Permits and Visas: Assistance with obtaining and renewing work permits (KITAS), business visas, and other related immigration documents for foreign staff.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensuring that your company and foreign employees remain compliant with Indonesian immigration laws.

Additional Business Services:

  • Product Registration: Support with registering products with the Indonesian authorities, which is crucial for businesses involved in healthcare, food and beverages, cosmetics, and other regulated sectors.
  • Intellectual Property: Assistance with the registration and protection of trademarks, patents, and copyrights in Indonesia.

Crisis Management and Problem Solving:

  • Dispute Resolution: Support in resolving disputes that may arise in business operations, including negotiations and legal proceedings.
  • Crisis Management: Advisory services for handling unexpected business disruptions or regulatory issues.

Okusi Associates aims to provide a seamless and hassle-free experience for foreign investors by offering these post-establishment services, ensuring that your PMA company not only complies with Indonesian regulations but also thrives in the competitive market environment.

What kind of post-establishment support does Okusi Associates provide?
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